Wordalist (The Service) is operated by Eastit Group AB (Eastit). Our aim is to keep it simple, so these terms are kept short.

You use the service at your own risk. We leave no guarantees, but we'll do our best to keep the service running and up do date. When you register an account we save some personal information about you. We reserve the right to use it for service related purposes, but we don't claim ownership of such information. When using the service, information about your usage is generated. This information we do own and will use to further improve the service for you and other users. If you want to delete your account, you can do that from your account settings. All your personal data will be permanently removed from our database. As a user you can upload information such as texts and images to the service. You are not allowed to upload copyrighted information without the copyright holders permission. We reserve the right to delete such information and the infringing user accounts from the service. The same applies to uploaded information that is inappropriate for a wider audience. We will only share information to authorities if required by law. You should also be aware that any inconvenience caused by using the service will not be compensated. We reserve the right to transfer our obligations under this agreement to a third party.

We may occasionally update our terms and conditions. Last update was 2016-05-22.