By then, his wife had already gone into [ha värkar] .

Hint: A one-word answer, please!

labor labour

Info: Note the AmE spelling in -or; BrE has -our.

Did all the students [erhålla] their parents’ permission?

Hint: Find a synonym for “get”!

obtain get

She stayed with her mother on [varannan] weeks.

Hint: Note that the phrase is “on…weeks”.


Info: ”Every other week” would also work.

She went for her annual [hälso-] examination last week.

Hint: This is a more formal phrase for a “check-up”.


The [idén] of going to the beach appealed to the youngsters.

Hint: Find a synonym for “idea”!

notion idea

Try not to jump to [(förhastade) slutsatser] !

Hint: Note that this is an idiom!
