Not all skills have to have practical [nytta] .


Info: ”A practical use” is also ok (with the indefinite article!).

These [avslöjanden] shocked the entire family.

revelations disclosures exposures

This new [diskmedel] will not cause as many allergies.


Info: BrE also has compounds such as "washing-up liquid".

The menu offers a large choice of [deserter] .

desserts puddings afters

Info: Both "pudding" (in this sense) and "afters" are unknown in the US.

By now the ship had a 30-degree [lutning] to starboard.

slant list slope tilt

Info: The technical term for ships in trouble is that they "list" (to port, etc.).

The official letter contained two [bilagor] .


Info: An "appendix" is for a report.